The best Diablo 4 Season 4 Elixir you should be using

Holy grinder, you’ve been down too long in the midnight sea.

Diablo 4 season 4 Loot Reborn release time

Diablo 4’s fourth season introduced just a few crumbs of what could be called “seasonal mechanics,” but what’s there is still pretty fun. From the Profane Mindcage, which boosts enemy levels in Helltides by 10 to the Momentum Elixir that let’s you zoom across the battlefield after scoring kills, there’s no shortage of new twists to blasting enemies. But one seems to be standing out from the rest.

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The Elixir of Holy Bolts asks, “what if Artillery Shrine, but all the time?” It causes damaging bolts to explode out of any enemy killed, (usually) dealing enough damage to kill another enemy, which also fires out bolts, killing another enemy and.. you get the idea. It’s essentially a cascade of death in any high-density areas.

This strategy excels most of all in The Pit, Diablo 4’s new endgame activity. Enemies are packed so tightly together that starting a Holy Bolt chain-reaction is sometimes enough to clear entire sections of the map at once. It’s so powerful it could be a “seasonal mechanic” in its own right, if only it didn’t last 15 minutes.

The good news is that once your time’s up you can easily get more Elixirs by trading 350 Obols to the Alchemist under the “Seasonal Elixir” tab for another. It’s a hefty price, to be sure, but the power gains and time saved clearing Pit runs is worth it in my opinion. Of course, you can also score these as drops from Helltide Elites and bosses. Whatever you do, keep at least one in your back pocket for those broom closets of baddies.

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David Morgan
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