Following the introductory video that James “Angry Video Game Nerd” Rolfe uploaded the other day, here comes the epic showdown: Super Nintendo vs. Sega Genesis! Which is the undisputed champion?
Obviously, there is no winner. Instead, James breaks down the pros and cons of each console and offers his picks in each category, although he concedes that your mileage may vary. For example, I’m totally by his side on the music issue. The SNES may have had greater sound capabilities, but the raw crunchiness of the Genesis’ FM synth audio was totally amazing in its own way.
Whether you’ve read about or watched other videos regarding the last true console war of our time, give James’ contribution a look anyway. You might learn something new! Or at least you can enjoy James’ much more subdued behavior, when he’s not trying to spit curses every five seconds.
SNES vs Sega Genesis (Part 2) [Cinemassacre]