The DTOID Show: Dawnguard, Tomb Raider & Dishonored

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I love how the week before E3 could totally be a lovely, low-key chance for everyone to rest up before getting punched in the stomach by the biggest industry event in the country. Oh, wait, my mistake. This week is a churning maelstrom of news and leaks and trailers! Oh god, it’s everywhere!

But hey, I can’t deny there’s a lot of cool stuff to point your brain at. Tomb Raider, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim‘s Dawnguard expansion pack, Dishonored, and Injustice: Gods Among Us all have cool trailers. Konami had their big stinky press conference thing, and they talked about Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and oh, surprise! Dead Space 3 is a thing. Duhhhh.

Chad Concelmo and Jonathan Holmes also make lovely special appearance with their little faces. Mmm. Just can’t wait to squeeze those little faces next week.

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Max Scoville
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