What is it really that is going on here?
It’s no secret that I hate spiders, but there’s one spider I adore. That’s MC Spider, the frontman of Powerman 5000. That’s why I was raucously excited to hear about the “Worlds Collide” event at Fanfest 2015, obviously a PM5K show at the top of the world named after the legendary group’s most popular song.
I was absolutely ready to bang my head and strain my neckbone. That’s why the following was an absolute bombshell: Worlds Collide is an EVE Online battle between China and the rest of the globe — a heroes and villains tale of sorts if you want to get all rock, flag, eagle about it.
Yeah, my dreams popped just like a supernova.
Resigned to the fact that I wouldn’t see the stars revolt tonight, I dutifully watched these skilled pilots operate and annihilate. They were just so automatic. It was a slow process, but there were a lot of explosions. Good stuff for any action junkie. Danger is go, you know?
The Tranquility server (representing the Wild World team) wasn’t afraid to show them what they got. They did their thing to their enemies and let the good times roll. The Serenity team took a single match, but it inevitably proved to be as bleak a situation as a swim with sharks.
It has to be tough staring into the crowd and realizing “It’s Earth versus me.” Maybe those intelligent creatures on Team China made some missteps that hurt their cause. That’s okay. We all do it. Even Superman shot himself.
At the end of the day, Tranquility was the one and only. But, that’s not the takeaway. It was a neat exhibition for the Fanfest crowd — just another way to live it up before you’re dead. I couldn’t help but leave thinking “Wow, that’s entertainment.”
Published: Mar 21, 2015 11:00 am