The Great Retro Quiz! .13: Sports games

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This month is Destructoid Boot Camp, so SOUND OFF, YOU WORTHLESS MAGGOTS! DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY! MOVE IT! MOVE IT! Um, sorry about that. Actually, Destructoid Boot Camp is a celebration of all things sports games. But I have to be honest, I don’t play sports games … at all. No, wait, I take that back. As I have mentioned on RetroforceGO!, if Peach is in a tennis skirt or your base/soccer/tennis ball turns into a massive fireball at some point I will play it. But any modern traditional sports game I pretty much have no interest in.

Lucky for this quiz, though, there are a ton of retro sports games that I not only played, but loved! Even if you hate sports games, you might be surprised by how many of these you actually remember. Why not take the quiz to find out?! How else are you going to impress those cheerleaders?

Honestly, I have nothing sports-related in my magical bag of goodies, so this week’s prize is just a random hodgepodge of some retro treats (including a Tetris puzzle cube thing and some Nintendo trinkets). Just leave your answers in the comments and whoever gets the most right will triumph! In the event of a tie, just make sure you answer the tie-breaker question (whoever gets the closest wins). Check my community blog tomorrow (12/13) for all the correct answers and to see who emerges as the champion.

Put on your cup (this one is hard) and … good luck!

The Great Retro Quiz! .13

: Sports games
Number of questions: 20
Difficulty: Hard

1. What does the woman announcer say before each qualifying run in Pole Position?

a. “Prepare to qualify!”
b. “Prepare to race!”
c. “Begin!”
d. “Ready to qualify?”

2. Name the retro console the below baseball game is from:

a. Atari 2600
b. Commodore 64
c. Intellivision
d. NES

3. Which of the following is not one of the events in Konami’s classic Track & Field?

a. Hammer throw
b. Long jump
c. 100 Meter Dash
d. Pole vault

Match the below real world sports star with the videogame they would most likely star in:

4. Slalom

5. Blades of Steel

6. Bases Loaded

7. Goal!

8. Little Timmy from North Carolina wants to visit all the cities of the world. Unfortunately, a new law dictates that Americans can only travel to countries that host playable teams in Ice Hockey for the NES. Because of this outlandishness, which of these world capitals will Timmy never be able to visit?

a. Warsaw
b. Stockholm
c. Berlin
d. Ottawa

9. What kind of vehicle is driven during the Stunt Race FX bonus tracks?

10. If the real world was like NBA Jam for the Genesis, what would Kobe Bryant have to do to set a basketball on fire?

a. Perform a slam dunk
b. Successfully shoot a three-pointer
c. Score three baskets in a row
d. Sink a basket from past half court

11. According to the NES “extreme” sports game, what must everyone do or face a horrible death?

a. Glide
b. Surf
c. ‘chute
d. Skate

12. Box art memories! What number is missing from the below cover art?

a. 10
b. 25
c. 35
d. 50

13. Chad’s favorite sports game ever! Which of the following is not one of the selectable teams in Baseball Stars?

a. Ghastly Monsters

b. Lovely Ladies
c. Dastardly Pirates
d. American Dreams

14. Pick out the lead bike rider in Excitebike:

15. How many bullets do you get per round in Duck Hunt?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

16. Analogy fun! Punch-Out!! : Mr. Dream : : Super Punch-Out!! :

a. Narcis Prince
b. Nick Bruiser
c. Aran Ryan
d. Dragon Chan

17. Fake fellatio alert! What horrible sports game just became amazing solely based on the below screenshot?

a. Knockout Kings
b. Power Punch
c. Ring King
d. Final Blow

Epyx’s Winter Games or World Games?

18. Winter Games

19. World Games

20. How many players are on a team in Super Dodge Ball?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

*Tie-breaker question! Including all types of racing games, how many released sports games has Mario appeared in?

The Great Retro Quiz Hall of Champions
.01: The Virtual Console (NES)No prize

.02: The Virtual Console (SNES)Aerox
.03: BombermanShawnKelfonne
.04: The Legend of Zeldanebyoolae
.05: The Virtual Console (N64)Quisling
.06: MetroidNo prize
.07: ContraQuisling
.08: Halloween editionOpTiMaL
.09: Final Fantasy IVCacticus
.10: Super Mario Bros.teknomcr
.11: Mega ManItchy Tasty
.12: Sonic the Hedgehogprowlerx083

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Chad Concelmo
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