[The Jimquisition is a weekly unscripted rant from Jim Sterling, aka some fat twat with a microphone. He swears and complains and occasionally makes some sort of interesting point.]
After the rather surprising (and appreciated!) response to last week’s episode, it would appear that The Jimquisition has been deemed worthy of a serial installment. Here’s episode two. Aspect ratio is slightly improved, although there was an issue, because once again, f*ck every video editing program in the world. Also, the shot ended up being a tad too close, but hey ho, we’re learning as we go!
Anyway, this week’s episode is about both The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and the upcoming Ocarina of Time 3DS remake. More specifically, it’s about the rather predictable negative reactions that both of them earned, and that perpetual issue of hardcore fans who can never be pleased with anything, ever.
Also, HUGE thanks to KimStrandli for all the video advice.