The latest headsets from Turtle Beach will blow you away

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At least, I think they will. I’m not much on gaming headsets — I don’t play PC games and I’m quite content with my TV’s speakers — but Hamza seemed really into these new headsets coming from Turtle Beach. I tried out a few, and I admit, they were pretty spectacular, bumping the game’s audio into my ear drums in 7.1 sound, which amazes me considering that all the speakers for each ear are so close together.

Turtle Beach’s headsets have a ton of options too, including crazy ones like letting you hear your enemies’ footsteps in Call of Duty before they even get to you. Some might call that cheating, but I’d call it “letting someone with no skill like me have a chance to shoot a couple of non-lethal bullets at you before you unceremoniously headshot me for the billionth time.”

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Bob Muir
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