It’s just so damn adorable
One of the cutest-looking games that I saw at PAX Prime was Uber Entertainment’s Toy Rush. Don’t let the cuteness deceive you, though. Toy Rush is shaping up to be a surprisingly deep and fun title.
The developers most often recognized for Monday Night Combat put a bit of a twist on what they know the best. Toy Rush is a tower defense title that tasks the player with focusing on an offensive or defensive approach depending on whether engaged in single- or multiplayer.
Actually, single-player could probably be considered a training grounds of sorts for the multiplayer. The 50 level single-player campaign is oriented around working your way toward destroying the enemy’s base by strategically releasing your different foot soldiers. Each level completed earns you tickets, which in turn are used to buy booster packs of cards.
These cards can probably be considered the crux of Toy Rush. The random packs give you different forces, traps, and occasionally, a rare (and very powerful) creature. These are now in your arsenal to complete the other levels. But, they serve a greater purpose, too. Apart from being used in single-player, they are also available permanently in your base for multiplayer.
It feels like Uber structured Toy Rush so that everything eventually centers around multiplayer play. It wasn’t on display at the show, but it seems that multiplayer will make the player strike a balance between defending their base and attacking their opponent’s. I was under the impression that it might benefit the player to pay attention to taking care of home instead of being overly aggressive.
While only a bit of the game was shown at PAX Prime, it was obvious that Toy Rush is shaping up to be a fun and competent title. The developers told me that they’re developing for both iOS and Android, but they haven’t decided which one they’re going to release first. Regardless, Uber’s attempt at a tower defense game looks like it’s on track to do just fine.