No window yet
Before this past weekend we knew that Outer Worlds was coming to Switch at some point, but now we have a more definitive release window due to a launch press release (thanks to my colleague that pointed this out!).
Here’s the line in full: “After much anticipation, Private Division and Obsidian Entertainment’s The Outer Worlds is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (and will be coming to Nintendo Switch in 2020).” It’s such a simple statement, but a non-definitive one: who knows if we’ll see any delays between now and the eventual release date, but at least people know not to hold out until Christmas.
So what’s the best way to play Outer Worlds right now? Without a doubt it’s with Microsoft’s Game Pass. In case you forgot Microsoft acquired Obsidian, so while the game is also available on PS4, it’s readily available on Game Pass. Odds are you have a free Game Pass flier lying around somewhere (if you don’t, here’s one!), or can fork over the few bucks to marathon this for a month. It’s also the perfect game to come back to months down the line when you feel like resubscribing due to the whole “multiple endings/path” thing.