If you like to live dangerously, look for a new Min Timer option listed under QTE Speed
Quick-time events are a staple of Supermassive Games’ cinematic horror adventures, but are the QTEs too easy in The Quarry? It’s a more mainstream game, for sure. And while it can be annoying to botch a micro-event and have that snowball into sweeping story changes, the threat of failure ratchets up the stakes. With a new update today, Supermassive will let The Quarry players increase the speed of QTEs to raise the tension.
The setting in question, Min Timer, is under QTE Speed, which is located in the Accessibility settings from The Quarry‘s main menu. It’s only usable in single-player.

As the developers put it, “there are a multitude of outcomes you can only experience by failing QTEs, so you’re likely to see scenes you might never have otherwise — don’t be afraid to fail.” With Min Timer enabled, “even the slightest hesitation results in gruesome death when things get hectic.” Something to consider for a replay, potentially.
For players who rely on or otherwise like to use subtitles, there’s a helpful new option — you can have “English voiceovers with region-specific language subtitles.” Under Settings, look for Enable English Dialogue in the Audio options. This should be a standard!
Today’s update also includes “general bug fixes and polish” for The Quarry.
I’ve heard complaints about certain achievements/trophies being finicky as hell, and I sympathize with anyone who’s trying to go through that multi-playthrough gauntlet. If I spread that goal across several years, maybe I’d be down. As is? No thanks!
If you’re wondering about that campfire cartoon, surprisingly, it’s in the game itself. The Quarry has some funny morbid animations to explain certain game concepts — in this case, QTEs — and they remind me of Fallout‘s twisted sense of humor.
Published: Aug 9, 2022 06:00 pm