The Sun: 3DS price cut due to gamers being dizzy, sick

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Remember the Sun‘s strange attack on the Nintendo 3DS, back when it first launched? The British tabloid attempted to make people terrified of the system, claiming it made users sick due to eye strain. It even invented a story in which “thousands” of gamers were returning them to stores, which retailers themselves discredited. 

Well, British tabloids never forget a vendetta, and it has used the recent 3DS price cut as another excuse to continue the story it more or less invented. To the filthy rag, the price cut is not due to any real-world reason, but because it made too many gamers “dizzy” and “sick.”

Running the headline, “Blurredy Hell,” (really?) the paper claims that the price cut “follows claims of dizziness.” 

Now, I’m not against criticizing the 3DS, as you all know, but when there are official reasons for the price cut, and legitimate complaints to have, I don’t know why the Sun keeps insists on making up stories. Its past campaign against the 3DS was already proven groundless … do the Murdochs insist that each of their news outlets contain at least 60% invented pieces of bullshit a year?

[Thanks, Billy!]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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