The Whispered World has a demo you can play

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The Whispered World had me at its name, really. Just the very connotations that a name like that creates was enough to hook me in, and then when I found out it was a bountifully illustrated point-and-click adventure game I knew it was a match made in heaven.

Still, I had my doubts as years of being disappointed in games that should be good has trained me to do. They are now gone thanks to the demo of the game that has been released and is available for download over at Deep Silver’s site. After playing a bit of it I can definitely tell you that this is old school adventure gaming at its prettiest. On top of this I’m getting a very LucasArts humor vibe from it.

I just mentioned LucasArts and adventure gaming in very close proximity. You should probably get to downloading. Those of you in America should also get to crossing your fingers, because right now the April 21 release date on the game’s site is only for Europe.

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Matthew Razak
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