The Wii is dangerous: More dangerous than stupid doctors?

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We’ve all heard about how dangerous videogames are from a variety of crackpots who vilify their violent content and penchant for teaching kids how to murder people, but it’s not often that the virgin-white Wii is branded dangerous. Fortunately, Dr. Bret Bruder has come out to keep America’s idiocy levels rising, by claiming that the Wii is a dangerous machine ready to ensnare and then hurt unsuspecting gamers.

The emergency department doctor warned viewers about the perils of Nintendo’s albino wagglebox on Cincinnati television, pointing out how complaints ranging from sore muscles to outright injuries are piling up. Because this is America damn it, where somebody being idiotic and straining their own muscles past comfort limits is NOT their fault!

“Those type of injuries you wouldn’t expect from indoor play with a video game,” Bruder claimed. “The popularity of it, the explosion of this has been unexpected and amazing … Young children through middle-age people (are) being over exuberant, coming in after hours and hours with their arms, shoulders and joints aching.”

Classic. People are getting carried away and so it’s the Wii’s fault. What next? Will somebody who breaks his leg playing soccer go on the warpath against anything round, proclaiming all spheres a menace? Will somebody who drives their car into a wall because they weren’t paying attention to the road decide to sue a brick company? There’s only one thing that’s dangerous in this equation, and it’s once again a lack of accountability. If you hurt yourself playing on the Wii, you’re a tool and it’s your fault. 

[Via The Inquirer, with thanks to Aerox]

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