Hold your breath. Make a wish. Count to three
The first time I booted up my Dreamcast with The House of the Dead 2, I believe it was, I thought the machine was broken. I’d ordered it along with a bundle of used games and controllers on eBay, so that was a real possibility. But, no, these things are just noisy. You eventually get used to the loud disc drive and beeping VMU and learn to love the Dreamcast anyway — that’s how good it is.
This new 3DS theme, en route to the Japanese eShop, replicates those fond feelings.
Great as it is, I’m not going to download the theme — I’ve already got my Slowpoke jam, thanks — but while we’re talking Sega and 3DS I might as well snap up the 3D Classics release of OutRun.
So, about that Dreamcast 3DS theme [Attract Mode]
メイキング: 3DS向けドリキャステーマ収録風景 pic.twitter.com/wDjUB8dV2Z
— Yosuke Okunari /奥成洋輔 (@okunari) March 18, 2015