This weekend on TwitchTV: Changes

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We have some exciting changes with Dtoid’s TwitchTV channel starting this weekend! First up; the goings-on for Mash Tactics on Friday will now be included in this weekly post, and it’s kicking off with a bang. Today at 4pm Pacific, Destructoid’s very own Director of Communications, Hamza Aziz, is joining the Mash crew to host the first ever live broadcast of Friday Night Fights!

In other news, Chill with Phil has moved over to Sunday nights! Philanthropy is bringing his sensual gaming journey to follow Also, Talks. After getting an earful from me this Sunday, stick around as Phil continues his Metal Gear Solid series playthrough with Metal Gear Solid 2.

Mash Tactics is Destructoid’s flagship show on TwitchTV. Every weekday from 4pm to 7pm Pacific, Jon Carnage and Wesley Ruscher bring you a torrent of improvised entertainment while playing the latest videogames for your viewing pleasure. Today, the guys are joined by Hamza Aziz for the first ever live FNF with Modern Warfare 3 on the Xbox 360.

Saturday Morning Hangover with Conrad Zimmerman and Jordan Devore airs from 10am to 12pm Pacific. Come watch as they play the latest Xbox Live Indie Games demos for your enjoyment, and revel in the beauty of Conrad’s mustache!

321gocast is Destructoid’s only live show/podcast hybrid airing on Sunday, from 2:00-4:00pm Pacific starring JohnnyViral, Jesse Cortez, Pangloss, and Ryu89.

Destructoid’s live community talk show, Also Talks, starring Bill Zoeker and Johnny Luchador is committed to bringing interesting conversations about videogames, Destructoid, and random nonsense on Sunday from 4pm to 6pm Pacific. This week, Sterling “Aiayla” Lyons and Brett Zeidler are on to talk about the joy that is writing for a videogame blog.

Chill with Phil is a relaxed gaming show hosted by community member, and video game connoisseur, Philanthr0py. Now on its new time of 6pm to 8pm Pacific on Sundays, Phil is continuing his run through all of the major Metal Gear Solid titles with Metal Gear Solid 2 from the MGS: HD Collection.

Catch these shows and more on!

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Bill Zoeker
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