Thompson: Gamers don’t care about dead people

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The Destructoid community is abuzz with the arrival of its newest member (and avid Destructoid reader) Jack Thompson. Thompson, a man who still clings to the obsolete belief that gamers are sociopathic children, chose to make his grand entrance by calling us just that, and was even cutting enough to describe us all as E-tards. While most of the community fired right back at him, one of our readers sought some manner of rational discourse.

Paying him respect and urging him to engage Destructoid in a less hostile manner, CBlogger Mecha Monkey hoped to crack through the bravado and find a man whose beliefs we could get behind. It was a futile effort, but a noble one. After suggesting he appear on one of our podcasts, Jack Thompson quickly declined his own offer, deciding instead to retort to the up-until-then polite Mecha Monkey with condescending words and finally offering up this amazing description of all gamers:

Gamers are ill-mannered and uninformed, and they prove it everyday. They couldn’t care less about the people killed. 

Thompson, the man who has a history of being rude to correspondents, called the manners of everybody reading this into question. Thompson, the man who continues to implicate videogames in the Virginia Tech shooting regardless of proof showing otherwise, has called everybody reading this uninformed. Furthermore, the man who used the NIU tragedy to plug his own book as gone on record as saying not a single one of us cares about the people killed.

If it any wonder that gamers treat him like a figure of fun and a complete joke when he can’t even respond to polite ones with any degree of respect?

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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