THQ sends me tickets to ride Metro 2033

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This weekend, I received a nondescript envelope in the mail. Inside the brown envelope I found a letter confirming my trip to ride the Moscow Metro, along with two tickets. I immediately made the connection to THQ’s Metro 2033, the recently-announced first-person shooter based on a Russian novel.

I was right, of course — the Russian on the ticket (and in the letter) was identical to some of the text used in the promos for the game (particularly the “Fear the Future” text, shown in the big black letters above). But I was curious to see if the rest of the ticket (printed entirely in Russian) had any interesting info or clues hidden on it. According to our Russian translators (we have an entire team!), here’s what it says:

(on the front)

Moscow Metropolitan
Fear the Future
Moscow Metropolitan is not safe. The forthcoming trip is promised to have nothing but suffering, recklessness, or death. Enter at your own risk.
(on the back)
My name is Arytom. If you are reading this, then you are reading to join me on this adventure.
But at the same time, probably not. My trip is very dark. 
If we lose each other, then we never will see each other again. I am afraid I won’t be able to come back. I am afraid of…..the future.
Moscow Metropolitan is not safe. The forthcoming trip is promised to have nothing but suffering, recklessness, or death. Enter at your own risk.
This trip doesn’t sound like much fun, if you ask me. Also, it may include monsters. So, uh… anyone want two tickets to ride the Moscow metro?


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Nick Chester
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