THQ: We’re not making Saints Row: Drive By

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So, we’ve got a strange story for you to ruminate over. There has been recent talk of Saints Row: Drive By being canceled for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. Originally announced as a 3DS title, the game was supposed to be ported to digital networks too. 

Here’s the weird bit, though. In addition to the rumors, THQ is now denying anything to do with Drive By, including the 3DS version. 

When we asked THQ for comment on the original rumor, all we got in response was, “We are not developing Saints Row: Drive By.” We pressed further and asked if that also included the 3DS version of the game, but simply received, “No further comment at this time.”

Who knows what that means? Is the game completely canceled? Are they changing its name and doing so surreptitiously to surprise us later? Did we all just imagine it existed? Seems a strange game to suddenly go dark with. Either way, we’ve done our journalism for the day, even if it led to a confusing conclusion.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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