TimeSplitters CryEngine mod approved by Crytek

Original game assets might be given

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The “100,000 Strong for TimeSplitters 4” campaign is still happening, bless those dedicated fans. A recent post has taken things in an interesting new direction: “I have just had word from Crytek that they are going to permit and support a TimeSplitters CryEngine mod.”

Continuing, the message states: “I am now looking for modders that can handle the CryEngine. If I manage to get a group together, then they may let us use assets from the original TimeSplitters game! so the idea is to build a TimeSplitters all-in-one. All the levels, all the characters and all the weapons. If you are interested then contact me at – Killerwesik@gmail.com or contact me on Skype – Cairn_Trenor. This is BIG for anyone that wants to get into the gaming industry!”

This all seems very far off, overly ambitious, and likely to go awry for one reason or another, but you know what? I’ll take it. It’s still a considerable improvement compared to the other TimeSplitters-related discussions that have gone on lately. Also, a best-of mod sounds freakin’ awesome if executed properly.

Timesplitters mod given go-ahead by Crytek; “If I manage to get a group together, then they may let us use assets from the original TimeSplitters game!” [PCGamesN — Thanks, k gretza]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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