Today, it is legal to sell adult games to kids in the UK

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It’s always been considered illegal to sell adult-rated videogames and movies to minors in the UK, ever since the Video Recordings Act of 1984. However, it’s been discovered today that the required paperwork was never put through properly, meaning that it’s actually been legal to sell adult entertainment to children for the past twenty-five years!

In order for a law to be formally passed in the United Kingdom, it has to be forwarded first to the European Union. Nobody ever actually did this when the law was drawn up over two decades ago, meaning it was never officially in place or legally enforceable. 

Those already convicted under the law aren’t going to have their sentences reduced or ignored. However, those about to be prosecuted now have to be let off the hook and can’t be held on any charges. The government is  going to have to scramble to create an “emergency legislation” so that children can be protected under laws that were thought to have already been in place. 

Until this legal loophole is closed, it’s currently completely legal to sell any kind of videogame to any child. Hell, not even videogames. You want to sell an eight-year-old boy some hardcore pornography? You can DO it! Even stuff previously banned in the UK is now perfectly acceptable while this loophole exists. 

What an absolute mess. Still, great news for the porn merchants of Britain.

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