Too Human is ‘still on track’ for 2008, says Microsoft

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Anybody in the Joseph “Orcist” Leray Fanclub (hi, Mom!) knows that I want Too Human to succeed. I need Silicon Knights to deliver. I yearn to have the hot geekery that is Norse mythology to fill the cavity of my being. That being said, it with great pleasure that I announce that I don’t know wang about it. Fortunately for us, neither does Microsoft!

Microsoft told that Too Human “is still on track for a 2008 release, as [they] announced most recently at E3 2007.” Thanks for being so specific, Microsoft!

This enormous window gives Silicon Knights and Epic Games time to kiss and make up, as the two are in the middle of suing the proverbial pants off of each other. Pantless and angry, Denis Dyack, founder of Silicon Knights, and Mark Rein, Vice-president of Epic, show no signs of stopping. Silicon Knights want to use Epic’s Unreal Engine 3 any way they see fit while Epic wants any illegally-used code destroyed, which may include Too Human.

A lot can happen in a year and a half — countries have been toppled in less time. Too Human could theorhetically be finished and fantastic, but this lawsuit and Microsoft’s release-date damage control are worrying. The more I follow Too Human, the more I begin to believe three things: this game is a dead man walking, its two sequels are as good as canceled, and, even after seven months, this article is very relevant.

I want to be wrong so badly.

[Via and SkaGoblin‘s excellent clog


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Joseph Leray
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