Torture yourself with Obsidian’s Aliens: Crucible footage

Video of the game SEGA canned so we could have Colonial Marines

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Aliens Crucible: Animations from Danny on Vimeo.

If ever a video was more perfectly timed to scorch a fanbase’s soul, it’s this one. In the fallout of the Aliens: Colonial Marines debacle, demo footage of Obsidian’s cancelled Aliens role-playing game, Aliens: Crucible, has risen from obscurity. 

The video contains animations by Danny Garnett, now with Sony, created in 2008 and 2009. Various Xenomorph types, including a Queen, are showcased, along with some environments and human characters. 

With Gearbox’s “effort” falling way short of the mark, all hope for a great mainstream Aliens game rests on the shoulders of Creative Assembly, and its as-yet unrevealed project. Early buzz sounds promising, but we won’t know if it has promise until we see more — and if A:CM taught us anything, it’s that we’ll have to be damn wary even if it does have promise. 

Obsidian’s Cancelled Aliens: Crucible RPG [DSOGaming]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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