Toys R Us has announced that locations nationwide will be open late to make sure players can get their hands on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 just as soon as Activision will allow them to sell it. Gamers will be able to wait in a line, under the cold gaze of Geoffrey the Giraffe, on the evening of November 7th and walk out with a copy of the game at the stroke of midnight. That’s good, because I’m pretty sure Geoffrey’s bloodlust starts rising around 12:05.
Of course, everybody is going to be open at midnight to release this thing. It’s as if Modern Warfare 3 were a large pimple just under the surface of the gaming landscape, building in pressure until the inevitable explosion. And then, for weeks afterward, there will probably be some redness and soreness around the area. A few months later, they’ll release DLC back into the pore, re-infecting and causing the thing to never really go away entirely.
I’m not being critical of the series or anything. I just think herpes is played out as a metaphor.