Today I learned…
Next week’s update to the Rock Band Music Store will deliver three hit songs from Chevelle, “Send the Pain Below,” “The Red” and “Face to Floor.”
This is a band which I never connected with their music. Prior to today, I was aware that Chevelle was a musical act, had seen posters and CDs on many occasions. And I have probably been in situations where I’ve heard “The Red” enough times that it has made an indelible mark on my already damaged psyche, but I never put the two together until today. So, great. That’s information I’m going to remember for the rest of my life. I bet it occupies the space that a cure for cancer was supposed to manifest from.
But this isn’t about me, this is about Chevelle and their songs coming to Rock Band 3 for $1.99 (160 Microsoft Points) each or in a bundle for $5.49 (440 MSP), a pre-tax savings of 8%! Pro Guitar and Bass tracks are available for “The Red” as well.