Two views of Crackdown: Who wins? Posted 2 March 2007 by Robert Summa Recommended VideosOn Thursday, our boys over at Epileptic Gaming had their usual show. And, as usual, they did a review of a game. That game on Thursday happened to be Crackdown (my baby) and joining Wheat with a review was a guy named Force. I don’t know who Force is, but I assume he is reputable in whatever circles he resides in. Moving on. After hearing Wheat and Force go back and forth on their Crackdown reviews, I felt the urge to really let my voice (which of course is always right and represents the majority of gamers, duh!) be heard. This video is the proof of one man, with a plan, and a loud voice. The question is: Who wins? About The Author Robert Summa More Stories by Robert Summa Filed under... #Crackdown#Debate#Weird News