Ubisoft backtracks on Rainbow Six Siege censorship

Barely sexy neon lighting will remain

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Several weeks ago, we reported on Ubisoft’s plans to make alterations to its strategic online shooter Rainbow Six Siege. These aesthetic changes would remove bloodstains, sexual references, gambling references and skulls from Siege’s maps, menus and even its HUDs.

The belief was that this was being done in preparation for the title’s launch in Asia, with Ubisoft stating that they wanted one singular, global version of Siege to work with. Fans were quick to voice their displeasure at the proposed changes, and it appears that those voices have been heard, as Ubisoft has decided against the alterations.

“We have spent the last week working on solutions and have decided that we will be reverting all aesthetic changes,” stated the publisher in an official blog post. “We have been following the conversation with our community closely over the past couple of weeks, alongside regular discussions with our internal Ubisoft team, and we want to ensure that the experience for all our players, especially those that have been with us from the beginning, remains as true to the original artistic intent as possible”.

The post mentions that there may be some delay with the rollback to the original assets, asking players to be patient. Fair play to Ubisoft for listening to Siege’s dedicated community of fans and working to please them. The next content update for the title, Operation Wind Bastion, is currently live on PC test servers, expected to roll out across all platforms in the near future.

Rainbow Six Siege is available now on PS4, PC and Xbox One.

Update on the Aesthetic changes to Rainbow Six Siege [Official]

About The Author
destructoid chris moyse
Chris Moyse
Senior Editor - Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s and writing about them since the 1880s. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse
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