Ubisoft holding a Your Shape: Fitness Evolved contest

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Ubisoft is holding a Your Shape: Fitness Evolved competition where a few lucky folks will get to win a trip to San Francisco and workout for two days straight! Wait, what?! Don’t dismiss the idea of this contest right away as it actually sounds pretty neat.

Ubisoft wants to show how Your Shape: Fitness Evolved can really help a person out and so far, this is the only really interesting thing I’ve seen using the Kinect technology. Along with the Kinect workout, Men’s Health personal trainer David Jack will be training the contestants during the weekend.

To enter the contest, you just need to make a two minute video explaining why you think you should be part of the program. Full details of the contest can be found on the Facebook page. You have until October 10 to enter the contest and the two days of pain takes place on October 18 and 19.

I’m actually really interested in this whole thing so I’ve gone ahead and entered myself. If you’re not planning on entering, why not help me out and support my video! How do you support my video? I’m not sure, actually. Just leave a comment or something.

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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