Ubisoft Montreal CEO lauds the PlayStation 4

It’s ‘a pleasant surprise’

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Yannis Mallat is pretty keen on the PlayStation 4, reports CVG. Ubisoft Montreal’s CEO has been both impressed and surprised by the ease with which the studio can develop new titles on the upcoming platform, especially compared to the PlayStation 2 and 3. 

Mallat recalled a time when a programmer needed to learn Japanese just so he could read the support documentation for coding on the PS2. “That day I understood how complex it was to develop on PlayStation 2. So we were eager to find out what the PlayStation 3 would be in terms of architecture, and it was pretty much the same but more complex.”

With the PS4, Mallat explained that it’s a far simpler experience thanks to the platform’s similarity to high-end PCs. It’s also why Ubisoft is standing by its decision to develop their “next-gen” titles, Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and Watch Dogs, early on PCs.

I’m hoping that this will also mark the beginning of PC users being able to expect high quality multi-platform titles which haven’t been compromised due to being developed for disparate systems. 

Developing for PS4 is a ‘really pleasant surprise,’ says Ubisoft Montreal [CVG]

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Fraser Brown
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