Seemingly envious of the success THQ have had with their uDraw tablet peripheral, Ubisoft have unveiled their own tablet called the Drawsome. Ubisoft are hoping to have the tablet out for Christmas and it’s just the type of thing I can see parents getting their kids as a present this year.
The device itself has an 6.5×5 inch screen and is powered by placing a Wii-remote into a cavity on the left hand side. Also included is an SD card slot which Ubisoft say will allow users to share their creations. Bundled with the game are Drawsome Sketch Quest and Drawsome Artist, the latter featuring the Smurfs.
Can’t help but feel this is just Ubisoft grasping for some Christmas dollars here; with the Wii U on the horizon having it’s own tablet controller, the Drawsome comes across as a chance to ape some of the uDraw’s success. Come back to me when you can draw purple genitals for charity and we’ll talk Drawsome.