Dedicated app planned
Uplay isn’t going anywhere on next-gen consoles. In fact, the service will be “deeply integrated in games,” according to head of online services Stephanie Perotti in a chat with Digital Spy.
“You’ll be able to have the same features you have right now on the console experience,” she said. “The thing I can’t say — because we’re not quite ready to show it, because of next-gen and because of the advancements on the technological side as well — our key focus is to make this experience as simple and seamless as possible.”
Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are also said to be getting a dedicated app for the service. As much as Uplay has improved in the past few years, it’s still seen as this extra thing, this extra annoyance, that can get in the way of you playing your game.
Uplay on Xbox One, PS4 “deeply integrated” in-game, has dedicated app [Digital Spy]