Ian Malcolm of Jurassic Park fame once said life finds a way. He should have said life finds a gay, since that seems to be an even greater truth. At least on the Internet. You can put anything in front of your typical ‘net nerd and I guarantee you that within five minutes they’d have found some sort of hilarious homosexual connotation in it. Thus it is with Mario Galaxy 2. I’m quite amazed at how they managed to contrive this one.
The original Mario Galaxy‘s box art was infamous for its “secret” messages. Various letters in the logo were marked with a star, and when you isolated those letters they spelled “UR MR GAY.” Naturally, the first thing that the repressed homosexuals of the Internet did was try to find UR MR GAY in Mario Galaxy 2. It wasn’t there since different letters were starred. However, that didn’t stop them. As I said, life finds a gay.
Now, they’ve started reading the letters from the bottom to the top. When you take the new starred letters and arrange them in that way, they spell out a new message, apparently. It is now an answer to the original game’s message. Where the first title says “UR MR GAY,” Mario Galaxy 2 responds with “YA I M R U?” Translated from Internet speak, that means “Yeah, I am, are you?”
The sheer forced and convoluted nature of this is what makes it funny to me. It’s a stretch beyond the limits of imagination and credibility. It’s also incredibly stupid. And I thought my Mario bumming Yoshi idea was taking it too far.
UR MR GAY: The sequel! [All Is Brawl, thanks Allen]