Valheim generic Screenshot.
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Valheim console commands and how to use them

Nothing can stop you now.

Surviving in Valheim can get pretty harrowing as you progress through the game. If you’re struggling and need some relief, console commands can provide a way to tweak your experience. Here’s how to activate and use them.

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How to enable the console in Valheim

Valheim Console Commands
Screenshot by Destructoid


For the Steam version, just follow these steps.

  • Right-click the game in your Steam library and select properties.
  • In the textbox under “Launch Options” input -console.
  • Launch the game.
  • Press F5 during gameplay to open the console.

PC Game Pass

It’s a bit more complicated to enable the console on the PC Game Pass version.

  • Navigate to the game’s installation folder. By default, it can be found at C:\XboxGames\Valheim\Content.
  • Right-click on Valheim.exe and select “Create Shortcut.”
  • Right-click the shortcut and select properties.
  • In the textbox beside “Target” add -console to the end (after a space).
  • Click Apply (or just OK) and exit the window.
  • Use the shortcut to launch the game (you can copy and paste the shortcut somewhere accessible).
  • Press F5 during gameplay to open the console.


Getting to the console is much easier on Xbox.

  • Press RB+LB+RT+LT+menu (the three lines) and the console will open.

How to use the console in Valheim

The console in Valheim can be used for an assortment of things. There’s a massive list of commands that you can do, but not all of them are going to be immediately useful. You can simply type / in the console and it will pop up a list of commands to scroll through.

Most likely, you’re going to want to stick to the cheats.

Valheim Cheats

In order to enable cheats in Valheim, there’s one additional step: you need to type devcommands into the console. Also, note that you can only use these cheats in singleplayer. Most commands can’t be used on multiplayer servers.

GodToggles God Mode.
FlyToggles Fly Mode.
GhostToggles Ghost Mode, which makes your character undetectable.
HealRestores all health.
PukeResets hunger, health, and stamina.
ClearstatusRemoves all status effects from your character.
FreeflyThis unlocks the camera from your character to allow you to look around freely.
FfsmoothSmooths the freefly camera. Adding 1 activates this, adding 0 resets it.
KillallKills all nearby entities, including tamed creatures.
TameTames all nearby creatures.
RemovebirdsRemoves all the birds. Every one of them.
RemovefishRemoves every fish.
NocostAllows you to build without required items or materials.
RemovedropsRemoves all items in the area.
GotoTeleports you to a given location. Formatted as goto [x,z].
LocationSpawn location. Formatted as location [location id] [save].
RaiseskillRaises a skill by a specified amount. Formatted as raiseskill [skill] [amount]
ResetcharacterResets your character back to default
SpawnSpawns any entity specified. Formatted as spawn [entity id] [amount] [level].
PosShows player location in coordinates.
TodSets time of day (from 0 to 1 with .5 being noon). Format as tod [value].
TimeDisplays time (toggle).
SkiptimeMoves time forward. Formatted as skiptime [seconds]
TimescaleSets time to move using a multiplier. Formatted as timescale [multiplier] with 3 being the highest.
DpsdebugShow DPS (damage per second). (Toggle).
SaveForces a world save.
Model 0Changes player model to the masculine body.
Model 1Changes player model to the feminine body.
HairChanges your hair. Formatted as Hair [Number] you can enter 1-4. Zero or no value removes your hair.
BeardChanges your beard. Formatted as Beard [Number] you can enter 1-4. Zero or no value removes your beard.
WindSets the angle and force of wind. Formatted as wind [angle] [intensity].
ResetwindSets the wind back the way it was.
EventStarts a specified event. Formatted as event [name].
StopeventStops active event.
RandomeventStarts a random event.
ExploremapReveals the map.
ResetmapHides (un-reveals) the map.

Admin commands

If you are set as the admin of a server, you can also use these commands to manage players.

BanBans player from server. Formatted as ban [player name, user ID, or IP].
UnbanRemoves player from ban list. Formatted as unban [player name, user ID, or IP].
BannedShows list of banned players.
KickKicks player from server. Formatted as Kick [player name, user ID, or IP].
SaveForces world save.
PingShows server latency.
lodbiasSets level of detail (draw distance) on server Formatted as lodbias [number]. Ranges from 1-5.

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.