As some of you will surely know, Valve’s alternate-reality game for Portal 2 ended with the game unlocking on Steam last night. Without getting into too much detail, there were a lot of people who felt entitled and ended up getting their feelings hurt.
I personally found it to be a compelling way to spend the weekend playing new ARG-centric downloadable content and games I hadn’t gotten into before, so it’s hard to complain too much. Then again, I wasn’t necessarily counting the seconds to Portal 2‘s release, either.
The final phase of the ARG had players logging in game time for the 13 Potato Sack titles, and this process was eventually expedited thanks to all of the in-game potatoes users had collected. Some of these potatoes were incredibly difficult to obtain, but those who got all 36 were given a special prize by Valve.
In addition to getting slightly earlier access to Portal 2, these guys and gals were awarded the Valve Complete Pack. Jonathan Ross and I were both mad enough to accomplish this feat. And, for those wondering, the unused games are all giftable to friends. Glory lasts forever!