Valve has a real-life Team Fortress 2 sentry gun

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The ever-impressive Weta Workshop built a full-scale sentry gun for Valve, and I figured you might get a kick out of this quick video demonstration. The sentry has motion sensors and produces noise, so anyone who walks into the studio’s lobby for the first time will be in for a fun surprise.

These guys are pretty much the go-to for developers that want a real version of, I don’t know, a Warthog or a ridiculous World of Warcraft guy. Mayhaps one day when we aren’t sailing our yacht from one of our private islands to the mainland, we can have them build us a giant smoking robot statue.

 Valve build life-size Team Fortress 2 sentry gun [PC Gamer]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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