Big surprise, right? While it’s become almost expected of Valve to be constantly working on new Team Fortress 2 content, the game isn’t going to continuously change for all eternity. So in that regard, it’s reassuring to hear Valve’s Robin Walker discuss what the team has in store for us.
Community Fortress got a hold of Walker recently, asking about all sorts of topics related to the future of TF2. In particular, the question of what’s on the way now that the Engineer is the only class left received an interesting answer.
“We’ve got multiple updates in the works still, at least one of which will land before the Engineer pack.” As per usual, Valve considers feedback essential to this ongoing support, so the team hasn’t “planned too much out beyond that point.”
When asked about the possibility of there being more timed events, Walker responded with “I think so. The technology behind TF2 is collecting features with each update we do, so each time we have a new idea, it’s often easier to do than the last.”
“I think we’ll continue to try to do something new with each update, even if it’s a small twist on a previous idea.”
Robin Walker on Competitive TF2 and Future Updates [Community Fortress via Big Download]
Published: Jan 20, 2010 01:00 am