Various retailers list Watch Dogs for Wii U

Nintendo UN-doomed?

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The Wii U is in a pretty sad state when no one can guarantee current third-party games for the platform. What will become of Nintendo’s fun box when “truly next-gen” titles — Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs, for instance — star making the rounds?

A leaked poster we shared last Friday mentioned that Watch Dogs would be appearing this fall on “all home consoles.” Original Wii owners know all too well that such statements don’t necessarily mean anything in regards to Nintendo platforms, but maybe there’s some truth this time around. On GameStop’s pre-order page, SKUs are listed for PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and Wii U. Then both Best Buy and Amazon followed up with their own Watch Dogs Wii U product pages.

None of this is an official confirmation, but when that dominoes start to fall, it’s not difficult to predict the end result. I guess that means Watch Dogs is Wii U-bound.

GameStop lists Watch Dogs for Wii U [GoNintendo]

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Tony Ponce
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