Videogame Clubhouse: Climbing atop the Nuclear Throne!

We’re the Wasteland Kings!

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Forget that year of Luigi nonsense, the real thing you should be celebrating is Indie Month on the Videogame Clubhouse. We’re keeping the hype train a-rollin’ with the fantastic Nuclear Throne. If you’re not all up in this business already you can expect to see fish dudes murdering a whole bunch of baddies. It’s also one of the best games I played at PAX last year. 

Additionally, the guys behind the game are the raddest. Want to know more all about the hypest post-apocalyptic game this side of Fallout? We’re going live at 2pm PST over on! Huzzah!

Question: Nuclear Throne is out via Steam Early Access, which games would you want to play in an unfinished state before they were released officially?

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Spencer Hayes
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