Videogames cause abortions and cough medicine addiction

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China’s government-owned news channel has decided to blame videogames for young teen girls having sex and needing abortions. Online games have also been blamed for mass murder, following an “expose” at a prison camp where a killer blames gaming for his actions. Because, of course, the words of a psychopath should always be taken as gospel truth. 

China Central Television told the story of fourteen-year-old girl who was allegedly encouraged by an online dancing game to start having sex with people she met over the Internet. The game, known as Audition, supposedly encourages one-night stands and this is the reason why the girl had to have two abortions. 

Even more amazing is the report that young boys have become addicted to cough medicine and methamphetamine in a twisted attempt to keep their energy going throughout all-night gaming sessions. They spend all their time at Internet cafes, surrounded by chain-smokers, using IM programs to communicate. 

In other news, f*ck the Chinese government. 

hina Continues War on Games with News Show [GamePolitics]

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