The power is YOURS!
[We’re declaring a winner tomorrow, so if you want to write in Just Dance 2020, now’s your chance!]
Games journalists think they know everything. What do they know of the plight of the working-class gamer? Nothing, I say! They don’t know what it’s like watching the show at home, fighting shitty Twitch streams and YouTube constantly farting out adverts for penis enlargement pills in the middle of the videos. Wait, those are targeted ads? I mean, uh, I keep getting penis reduction ads. Yeah, they’re annoying!
While Jordan, Brett, and the rest of the Dtoid elite are sipping their mimosas while being courted on the newest games, the rest of us have to just imagine what playing them is like. Well, my friends and fellow community members, this is our chance to fight back. Power to the people.
The crew just spoke, and Final Fantasy VII Remake is their official Game of Show winner for E3 2019. Are they wrong? Are they right? There’s only one way to settle the debate: Vote now for what you, the people, think is this year’s best offering from E3.
Normally we put rules stipulating that only games that showed actual gameplay are up for contention, but this is your award. So simply tell us what you think rocked the house. I’ll end voting on Tuesday, July 2 and reveal the winner the following day. So speak now, or forever hold your piece. Or is it peace?
Who cares, just vote already.