PC and tablet users can try a demo right now
Sometimes you see a trailer for a game and think, “Yeah, that’s some real old-school stuff right there.” From the video above, you can tell Voyage to Farland harks back to the 16-bit era but developer Patrick Casey is putting in some roguelike elements in there too just to freshen it up.
Patrick’s taken inspiration from a series of Japanese roguelikes called Mystery Dungeon which he played whilst teaching English in Japan. What’s maybe different from other top-down roguelikes is that the combat is turn-based just like the JRPGs of old.
You can grab a demo of Voyage to Farland on the Greenlight page and I’ll be trying it out. I’ve put so many hours into games like Spelunky and The Binding of Issac but this is a style of game I’ve no history with and that’s why I’m keen to try it out.