Wait, is Sonic the Hedgehog the best video game movie ever?

Podtoid 433

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Less than a year ago today, the Sonic the Hedgehog movie was not in a good place. Leaks about the project pointed to a Sonic most fans wouldn’t recognize and an extremely unfortunate teaser poster only made things worth. When the first trailer officially debuted, it was met with universal scorn from fans over Sonic’s design. It got so bad, the director Jeff Fowler — who I might add is making his feature directing debut with this movie — promised the studio would redesign Sonic.

After a few million dollars and some extra time in post, we got a new Sonic trailer with a Sonic that actually looked like Sonic. It may have cost a lot of money and the special-effects company responsible for his redesign may not have survived long enough to see the film release, but that move may have saved this project. Because Sonic the Hedgehog is, dare we say…good? In fact, it may be the best video game adaptation to date.

That’s just one of the topics on this episode of Podtoid. CJ, Charlotte, Occams, and Dan talk about hostess bars in Yakuza 2 Kiwami, Journey to the Savage Planet, clown porn, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, and if the PlayStation 5 is worth $500. Then stick around after the show for an all-new Spoilsport covering Sonic the Hedgehog. All that, plus Charlotte says the word ‘fluffer,’ on Podtoid Episode 433.

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CJ Andriessen
Editor-at-Large – CJ has been a contributor to Destructoid since 2015, originally writing satirical news pieces before transitioning into general news, features, and other coverage that was less likely to get this website sued.
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