A dog with cannons attached to its back? If someone hadn’t told me such a thing wasn’t really coming to Team Fortress 2 (at least not yet), I probably wouldn’t have known otherwise. This mockup of Valve’s class updates looks surprisingly real — it’s even got Steam achievements — but a few things give it away.
All in all, it’s definitely one of those “A for effort” scenarios. Personally, I found this MANN CO. letter to be quite a bit more entertaining than the user-created faux update page, but then again, one wouldn’t work without the other. In my current sleep deprived state, I think the Guard Dog idea is just ridiculous enough to work.
I suggest Valve should go all out and bring the idea to Team Fortress 2 for one day of the month. If playable dogs in a first-person shooter for 24 hours doesn’t end the world, nothing will.
[Thanks, Timdabrat and the twenty other people who sent this in]