Want more Mass Effect DLC? Bioware just might oblige

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More Mass Effect DLC, you say? While it isn’t a confirmed fact just get, MTV Multiplayer gleaned some wishy-washy details about what could be next for the epic sci-fi adventure from Bioware co-founder Greg Zeschuk. From their interview:

Multiplayer: What can we talk about regarding “Mass Effect”?

Greg Zeschuk, Co-Founder of BioWare
: Well we said it was a trilogy so there’s some stuff happening. We’re also looking at some other post-release content. We’re working away. BioWare’s pretty busy these days.

Multiplayer: We got our first DLC for the 360. People can expect there may be some more more coming?

Zeschuk: We’re talking about that. You know how we are. We’re always very circumspect until we can go “Aha! There it is!” With everything we build now, we want to have this long-term relationship with the customer and always have something for them to try. So we’re definitely looking at that for “Mass Effect.”

It recently occured to me while dicking around with DLC for a game that will remain unnamed here that not all content really provides a new experience for the consumer, but only rehashes the original game from a slightly different slant. Bring Down The Sky didn’t seem to suffer from this syndrome, but I’m always sketchy about DLC because I’m a cynical bastard. Would you buy a second expansion if it because available?

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Colette Bennett
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