Watch this new 7th Dragon III Code: VFD trailer

Wild-named 3DS RPG from Sega

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Usually the phrase “abuse of power” isn’t leading anywhere you want to follow. There’s the lurid, with top-level employees pressuring underlings into some fingerlings if you follow what I meanaling. There are rulers of countries (America, for instance) illegally deposing democratically-elected governments and destabilizing regions. But sometimes it means that when we’re in Tokyo, I get to send Brett to see a game like 7th Dragon III Code: VFD because it is, to me, funny to do. 

We’ve not quite kept ears to the ground on the 7th Dragon III Code: VFD (which, to me, is funny to pronounce in full) beat since, but here’s an update in the form of a new trailer and reminder that Sega is bringing the 3DS RPG to the US in summer 2016. It’ll run you $40.

“In 7th Dragon III Code: VFD, the protagonist and his/her team must utilize time travel technology — courtesy of Nodens Enterprises — to cleanse the diabolical dragon menace that has consumed earth,” Sega PR reads. “Specifically, True Dragons in three different time periods must be destroyed before the mighty 7th Dragon: VFD can be vanquished.”

Those time periods include 2100 Tokyo, “ancient Atlantis,” and “futuristic Eden.”

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Steven Hansen
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