Way of the Shenmue: Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris QTE

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Hey. It’s late on a Tuesday night. We’re about to enter the mid-week hump. It’s time for some f*ckin’ kung fu action up in here, am I right?

Here is a very simple yet effective video from José Cardona. He though to himself, “What if one of the best martial arts movies of all time could be played like Shenmue?” So he pulled the legendary Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris scene from Way of the Dragon, slapped some QTE prompts up there, then filmed an accompanying video of him “playing” the game on a Dreamcast controller. When José hits the buttons properly, Chuck gets kicked in the face. When he doesn’t, Bruce gets kicked in the face. Perfect.

Not an elaborate video by any means, but really, what’s to complain about? It’s muthafuggin’ Bruce Lee fighting muthafuggin’ Chuck Norris. Tell me this isn’t the highlight of your evening!

Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris QTE – Shenmue [YouTube]

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Tony Ponce
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