What do you think, sirs?
Oh hey, Destructoid! What’s up? You’re looking great, as usual. My name is Mike Cosimano and I’ve actually been around these parts before! But now that Max is fleeing to a non-extradition country to escape punishment for his crimes, you’re going to be seeing a lot more of me and my partner-in-crime Will Westwater, starting with this Let’s Play of Telltale’s Game of Thrones.
Now, I’m on record as a fan of Telltale’s new dialogue-heavy house style. Any developer that focuses on narrative is A-OK in my book, and it seems like a lot of folks out there agree with me. But I’ve never been taken with Game of Thrones, making me something of an outlier. I don’t know why; maybe it’s all the spoilers I like to ingest second-hand. It’s something that I’ve always meant to rectify, but I’ve just never gotten around to it.
So maybe there’s awesome Easter Eggs we’re missing, and this video series is going to drive long-time fans of the series totally insane. But at least we’re hitting the major beats, right? Right??
Anyway, it’s good to be here. You’re never going to be rid of me.
[Update: Apparently I worried some folks with the whole ‘Max is leaving’ thing! Don’t worry, Max still loves Dtoid and all of his Dtoid children. He did not plan to “just go out for a quick drink” and never come back, leaving a single mother to raise you all on her own. Sorry if that’s how it felt. He’s writing a post now to explain a little more about why he’s moving on. Expect to see it soon!]
Published: Jan 5, 2015 01:00 pm