Hope you’re Friday is going well. I’ve just got a couple of quick announcements for you, then I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing.
First off, I wanted to remind you to vote for your favorite game in The Destructoid Show readers choice award. It’s free and easy, all you need it a Twitter account. Just tweet ” My @dtoid game of the year vote is: #dtoid-(blank) ” with (blank) replaced with your favorite game of 2010 (with no caps, spaces or other punctuation; examples — haloreach and metroidotherm) and presto! Your vote has been cast.
We’re closing the ballots on Sunday, 12am PST, so hurry up an vote already!
The second announcement is that we’re holding a Charity Water live stream event this Sunday from 12-8pm PST. We’ll be playing as many water themed games as we can find (James Pond, Fluidity, Hydrophobia, various water temples, Ecco the Dolphin, etc) to commemorate the occasion. Seeing Niero working on that shirt last night also got me inspired to create a special edition Charity Water Destructoid shirt, to be sold in limited quantities for the charity.
Those are the two prototypes I’m working with right now. What do you think? Would you buy either of them, knowing that the profits would go towards building a well for people with no access to clean water?