What does the community think of Splatoon 2?

Welcome to the Marina show, starring Splatoon 2

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Splatoon, to me, was a big hit for Nintendo Wii U. A fresh new idea during a time when the most common complaint leveled against the company was the reusing of old IPs and re-releasing the same sequels over and over. So it’s no surprise on every level Splatoon 2 is one of the more anticipated titles on the Switch.

The multiplayer has changed a bit, which makes sense considering Nintendo’s push for its own unique eSports scene. But to me the biggest thing about Splatoon 2 was its single player campaign, which exists as a direct continuation to not just the first Splatoon‘s campaign, but as a continuation to the final Splatfest, Callie vs Marie. With Off the Hook taking over for hosting duty in Splatoon 2, Marie in a laid back yukata, and the mysterious absence of Callie, the single player is not just a brand new batch of creatively designed levels but an answer to what happened to Inkopolis’ freshest duo.

It’s a constant issue asking the community what they think of Switch games when not everyone has a Switch, even if they want one. But plenty of people still have their thoughts on Splatoon 2.

GoofierBrute reminds everyone of Splatoon’s excellent post-launch life. Splatoon 2 should be looking really good in the coming months:

Yes, I am excited for Splatoon 2 (having played the original), but I’m not getting it at launch. I may be a proud Switch owner, but money is super tight right now, and as such I can’t afford any new games at the moment. Sorry Marina.

The good news is that while I won’t be able to play it at launch, the game is going to be supported continually long after it releases, so whenever I get the game, I’ll be able to experience the new weapons, fresh gear, and stages that are being added, so I won’t be short on content when I do get my grubby little hands on it.

Blondebass isn’t convinced by the netcode. He’ll believe when he sees the proof in the pudding:

I’ve had too much connection issues with the testfire and splatfest to be confident enough to get it.

I’m waiting for reports on netplay stability beforehand, it would suck to be banned out a game I bought when I can play other games without issues.

Casus Gaming kills two birds with one stone with their comment. Having faith in the quality despite the $80 CAD, and throwing is roommate under the bus for masturbating:

I had only played the first game briefly with my roommates but it was enough to instill confidence in an $80 CAD purchase. While my internet connection is spotty it feels nice that I can take the Switch to other parts of the house where the Internet may be better or just go to a friend’s place and play it while he jerks off in the corner or something.

RiffRaff is actually liking both ARMS and his new flat:

I’m excited, but I’m not buying it immediately. Besides I’m spending a fuckton of money on a new flat this week, I decided a while ago I need to avoid buying new online games so I can finish up the single player stuff I have sitting on the backlog shelf. If I get Splatoon, I’ll never make any headway. Arms is already doing a number on my gaming time.
Looking forward to it probably in Nov or Dec. After the Nintendo mad rush is over.

Greenhornet missed the first bus, so he’s not missing the second:

I’m getting it. I missed out on the first one because we never got a WiiU. So I am stoked to see what I’ve been missing.

I thought The Conduit was an interesting but tiny blip on the Wii’s radar as a shooter on a Nintendo console. Oh, and DeadMoon is also interested in Splatoon 2:

The Conduit wasn’t perfect, but I fucking loved it back when the Wii was my primary gaming system! It had a lot of weird design choices, but I still had a ton of fun with it! Honestly, I would play the shit out of that game again if they released a port! I’m sure it hasn’t aged well, but neither have I, so we’ll both be in good company.

Oh yeah… Splatoon looks pretty rad too. I’m gonna be splattin’ some fools on launch day for sure!

Major Toms Coffee Cup is pretty sold on the series as whole:

The first one definitely caught me off guard. A friend convinced me to buy it and then the testfire really nailed in the concept for me. The first one was fun enough to make the sequel a must buy for me.

NinjaSpped actually believes in the series so much that he won’t need to play Splatoon 2:

I saw some skepticism from some people when Splatoon was announced, but there was plenty of excitement as well. I know I was hyped when I first saw it. It was the reason I finally decided to get a Wii U!

That’s why I’m not planning to get Splatoon 2. I don’t have a Switch and I’ve already experienced Splatoon so I’m good. I’m actually so happy that I was part of the group of people who first experienced this new and popular IP! I hope people enjoy the sequel though, because it looks great.

EtosiGiR is just glad to be included:

No. Thanks for asking though! It is nice to be heard. 😀 I hope everyone has a wonderful time with it when it comes out!

So did you get Splatoon 2? What will you be focused on the most as a buyer: single player, versus multiplayer, or the brand new cooperative Salmon Run? Will you be a weapon loyalist or will you give one of the newer weapons a shot? And are you a kid or a squid? At any rate, the answer to the true question is a foregone conclusion: it’s Marina, not Pearl.

About The Author
Marcel Hoang
Local contributor responsible for duties such as engagement, power bombs, cblog promotions, community engagement, and memes. I like fighting games, you scrub.
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