Whatcha been playing this (birthday) week, Destructoid?

whatcha been playing destructoid birthday

The art of partying

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Happy weekend, friends, and welcome to this birthday edition of Whatcha Been Playing? Whose birthday, you ask? Why it’s my birthday! That’s right, today sees The Industry’s Chris Moyse slide one more bead over on the abacus of life. Frankly, I don’t know how I got this far — a life packed to capacity with long walks, bad houses, far too many tablets, and even more donuts. But I’m still here, because, no matter how bad things might have gotten from time to time, there is always much to do, much to achieve, much to enjoy, and many fine people still to meet.

Today is going to be a bit of a quiet one for me, unfortunately. But it’s ok. Everyone on Destructoid has been very busy lately with the ongoing site transition, and I’m grateful for the quiet weekend. I will probably see a friend and catch up on my movie backlog, backed up with good food and drink. There is a lot about life that I struggle with, but in many ways I’m very grateful for my lot, and that I get to share my time and talent (or lack thereof) with all of you. I hope that this will be a very happy and prosperous year for me. But now… Donuts.

The answer to life, the universe, and everything

I have been very busy with under-the-hood stuff on the good ship Destructoid, (it’s gonna be a long haul, folks), and as such I haven’t had the chance to play all that much this week. I did finally roll credits on Hades, and despite the sudden and somewhat anti-climatic ending, I am in no doubt that it is one of my favorite games of all time. The dungeon scrambles will continue, I have a lot of weapons to master, Punishment Pacts to beat, and Ambrosia to give to Dusa.

Oh, I also went to an industry-based Halloween party — My first proper “night out” since the pandemic began. While travel was a chore, it was a very fun evening, filled with new and familiar faces. Did you see my costume? I went as Rose the Hat from Doctor Sleep. Ambitious deep pull, yes, but I really wanted to try and pull it off. I think I did really well, given that I’m not Rebecca Ferguson. Odder still, I’ve been kinda blue ever since I had to take the gear off. Feel like pure shit, just want Rose back, as it were.

Grab some cake on the way out!

Thank you ever so much for joining me here on Whatcha Been Playing for my little birthday bash. It’s very kind of you to show up. Before you go, please jump into the comments and share with us the games that will be keeping you occupied this weekend. The community loves hearing from you just as much as I do. If you can afford to, buy yourself a cake, donut, or some other small treat today, and we can have our own sugar-coated birthday bash! Have yourselves a great Saturday, friends, and cheers for showing out!

Have a wonderful weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.

About The Author
destructoid chris moyse
Chris Moyse
Senior Editor - Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s and writing about them since the 1880s. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse
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