Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?

neverawake whatcha been playing

Sonic’s Frontiers

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Good morning, my beauties, and welcome to this week’s edition of Whatcha Been Playing? I hope that you have a warm drink to hand this cold fall morning, and I thank you for taking time out from your weekend to check in with us. It’s getting colder out there for sure. Wish I was there to warm you up.

For now, however, it is the weekend, and I hope that yours is filled with happiness, joy, good food, good friends, and video games. And if you are working, then I hope you have a smooth shift, and are able to make the most of the time which you do have to yourself — perhaps later this evening, or tomorrow. Either way, treat yourself this weekend, whenever you are able to, and be kind to yourself, always.

Nighttime Fears

At EGX I had the good fortune to sit down with several titles, old and new. I had my second round Capcom’s Street Fighter 6, which continues to impress with its engaging action and dazzling visuals. I got a little time with Sega’s Sonic Frontiers, a slick, smooth, and deftly handled title that also sports a bizarrely isolating tone and some strange, juxtaposed design ideas. I have also spent a little time with the delightfully dark shmup, NeverAwake — and hopefully, I’ll find the time to spill some thoughts on this new release next week. Oh, I’ve also played some Tempest and Missile Command on original arcade hardware, and I still find them both to be compelling, exciting and challenging titles.

After all, they don’t call it The Golden Age for no reason.

Your Top Tiers

And that’ll do it for me for this week. I pass the candle to you to share with us all of the rad experiences that you have been having over the past week. Head on down into the comments and let us know what games you’ve been playing, how you’re holding up, or if you have anything cool planned for the weekend. Whatcha Been Playing? is, for the most part, about gaming. But it’s more than that. It’s about me, it’s about you, it’s about our beloved community. So thanks for joining me here each and every week, and sharing a little bit of your world with all of us. As true today as it ever was: You are among friends here.

Have a wonderful weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.

About The Author
destructoid chris moyse
Chris Moyse
Senior Editor - Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s and writing about them since the 1880s. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse
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